Showing Tag: "racing" (Show all posts)

Week 8 - Embrace the Race

Posted by Amy Wyrick on Tuesday, October 19, 2010,
Hey, you've got a race coming up!  This statement should not have just sent you into nervous stomach distress.  Chill.  A race is a fancy name for a run.  That's it.  It's an exciting, joyful, new experience, empowering run.  Can you be a runner without running any races?  Well sure.  But you'd be missing out, in my opinion.

Racing is a really really exciting part of running and I can attest to the fact that you are never the same after your first race.  And you don't have to be a seasoned an...
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Week 7 - Choosing Your Next Path

Posted by Amy Wyrick on Sunday, October 10, 2010,
I'm figuring that it was only about 6 weeks ago that you chose your current running path.  You may have heard about RUNaway Moms and said "That's It!" or, more probably, you hemmed and hawed about your newest potential running goal and took a few days or weeks to decide.  Well, I'm here to tell you that completing that first goal is always the hardest, and now, as your 3 mile goal is approaching, it is time for a reevaluation of your particular running path.

Running is a great sport because th...
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