Showing Tag: ""weight loss"" (Show all posts)

Week 5 - The Wait with Weight

Posted by Amy Wyrick on Sunday, September 26, 2010,
The #1 most asked question that I get with coaching running (and the #1 reason people start running) is . . .

Will I lose weight?  or Hey, why am I not losing weight?

Sit tight.  Remember, I'm not a doctor.  I'm not a nutritionist.  I have a crazy weakness for Double Dave's pizza rolls.  And while I don't have "the answer of all answers" for this mammoth question, I can help.  I really can offer some advice on both of these.  So let's go . . . .

Weight Loss and Running

Oh boy.  This can of worms...
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Week 3 - It's all about the Water

Posted by Amy Wyrick on Thursday, September 23, 2010,
Week 3!  Hey - grab a bottle of water while you read this.  How 'bout it?!

So with two weeks of training behind you, your body is coming to the realization that you are in this sport for good :)  You are conquering a greater distance with less effort.  Those 7 minutes of running in week 1 is definitely achievable without wanting to die now!  Your muscles are stronger - especially those legs.  Your soreness may be diminishing.  Your resting heart rate has decreased (this is good!) and your body...
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